Sunday 6 April 2014

Question 2

Here is my Question 2 evaluating how our group's media production represents particular social groups:

For this question we created the video by using the softwares Audacity and iMovie. We also used different images we found on Google Images.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Question 3

QUESTION 3- What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

For this question we used different technologies including Powerpoint and Powtoon, and combined them to form this video through Final Cut Pro:

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Question 4

Question 4 is about who the audience will be for Fusion FM. For this I used the software Powtoon and Wavosaur to record and produce a video about our audience:

Here is the general profile of our listener Laura Smith:


Tuesday 1 April 2014

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Question 6

This is Question 6 presenting the different technologies i used and what experience i gained from them:

Saturday 11 January 2014

How to write a Radio Script

Now we have reached the stage to finally write our radio script for our news broadcast. Therefore to find ideas and tips, I visited various websites and listened to different radio casts to find out how to write and present a radio news cast.
Here is a video clip I found very interesting about how to write a radio news script.

So far the things I've learnt from my radio script search are:

  • Greet the audience and welcome them to the radio show.
  • Think about the actions that are being put in the stage directions. Remember the audience can't see what is going on in the studio.
  • Use sound in the background and how it will engage the listeners.
  • Remember the include the five Ws' (Who, What, When, Where, Why) in your news dialogue.
  • Don't repeat the same points 
  • Don't be biased! you must have two sides.
  • Be Clear, Consise and Correct with your information
  • Keep the news cast around 30 seconds long.
  • Must have simple and short language to not bore the listener and make it easier for them to understand.

Types of News

Monday 6 January 2014

Continuation of Survey Analysis

To find out more about our audience for our Radio News Cast, we conducted an online survey on My partner and I divided the questions, here are the results for the questions 6-10:

In question number 6, we asked our respondents Why they listen to their prefered radio station? We asked this question as this will give us a chance to implement their ideas and thoughts into our audio broadcast. As a result the highest reasons was the music choice and the news content. Therefore we will make sure the news content and music we have in our broadcast is entertaining and suitable for our target audience.

For this question, we wanted to find out why they listen to news casts. In this question we wanted to know broad reasons as this could allow us to choose the types of news we will have and how to present it. The most frequent replies we got was entertainment, so our main aim will be to entertain our audience through our broadcast

Question 8 was more about certain aspects and features our respondents pay attention to that makes that specific radio station stand out. This answer also provided a wide range of answers. The answers were mainly about the content like the news, weather and music.

This question was a more personal question about who the candidates listen to the radio with. This will help us consider any other listeners like older or younger audiences. However the most popular answer was over half listened to the radio by themselves.

As we want our news cast to stand out from the different audio casts, our final question asked about any improvements the respondents could recommend or how overly satisfied they are about audio news casts in general. Most of the answers were that the radio casts were satisfactory and may need improvements like more entertainment and interaction with the audience.

Friday 3 January 2014

Radio interview-Cyberbullying

For my interview of our radio newscast I was very interested in finding more about issues that our audience face in day-to-day life and raise awareness about it through our broadcast.

One topic that stood out the most was cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is any form of bullying through an electronic device. Nowadays many teenagers are experiencing cyber bullying from various websites like Facebook and even texting. 

To raise awareness I have decided to interview a victim who has experienced cyber bullying and share their story. As much as it would raise awareness it could also encourage victims to stand up to their bullies and the bullies to stop..well..bullying!

The past and current radio differences

Tuesday 31 December 2013

Radio equipment

Before broadcasting our news, I wanted to make sure I was aware of the different equipment I was going to use. Therefore I carried out background research about the key resources included in a FM Radio Station. I used this short clip from Youtube to give me a brief note about some of the equipment:

Furthermore, as i knew that we would also conduct outside broadcasts, I also searched more about the ideal recorder to use to record the audio. Through my online research I found that the Zoom H2n Handy Digital Audio Recorder was the ideal one, and therefore made sure it was available for us to use:

Tuesday 10 December 2013

BBC London Radio analysis

The radio newscast I listened to was by the radio presenter Jo Good with the Music specialist (also known as the Music "nerd") Ruth Barnes.

The main discussion was about where people in general go to listen to music. 

Ruth Barnes explained that she loved going to music festivals and concerts and shared her experiences.
Jo Good also shared her views about music festivals. 

Jo Good then introduces the audience to a local music festival on sunday and describes the atmosphere from her experience.

She also mentions a singer who will be there and illustrates the types of music he plays.

Jo finally introduces one of his songs and the song is played.

I think overall the newscast was very smooth and sophisticated as one conversation led to another. 

The speakers were very casual but their speech was still easy to understand.

The information they were talking about was easily relatable to the audience so it was engaging. The presenter also encouraged the audience to visit a local festival in London so they targetted a local audience.

Research Plan

 Research Plan:
To ensure I update my blog regularly, I have organised a research plan with a few of the ideas I want to add to my blog:

  • ·      Local News
  • ·      A Journalist’s News Values
  • ·      How to conduct an interview
  • ·      Different Radios
  • ·      Ofcom/Rajar
  • ·      Defamation Case
  • ·      Most listened radio station in UK? Why?     
  • ·      How to interview someone
  • ·      Stages of media production
  • ·      Outside broadcasting
  • ·      Journalist tips

Outside Broadcast Audio

More about our outside broadcast...

For our outside broadcast, I was in charge of broadcasting it from the Doctor Who Anniversary. Therefore I did a little practicing in my spare time before the crucial moment, by listening to different outside broadcasts from different radio stations. However this is the current news cast i produced:

Listen to this episode

Overall this is our script of what me (the interviewer) and Stephanie Reece (the interviewee) recorded:

Saturday 23 November 2013

Radio Technology

Before broadcasting our news, I wanted to make sure I was aware of the different equipment I was going to use. Therefore I carried out background research about the key resources included in a FM Radio Station. I used this short clip from Youtube to give me a brief note about some of the equipment:

Furthermore, as i knew that we would also conduct outside broadcasts, I also searched more about the ideal recorder to use to record the audio. Through my online research I found that the Zoom H2n Handy Digital Audio Recorder was the ideal one, and therefore made sure it was available for us to use:

Sunday 17 November 2013

Outside Broadcast Plan

For one of our preparatory Radio News Cast, me and my partner have planned to conduct an Outside Radio Broadcast at the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Celebration on the 24th November. We will be asking around 5 random visitors of this event and ask them the following questions:

1.What are you expecting from todays event?
2.Are you excited to meet the Cast and the Crew of Doctor Who?
3.What do you think the atmosphere will be like at the celebration?

We will also try to ask the visitors returning from the celebration to give their opinion about the event.

How will we conduct the Outside Radio Broadcast?

As we don't have the best technology and equipment to carry out our outside broadcast, we have decided to make sure our broadcast runs smoothly without any problems or issues. We will...

Ensure there is no loud background noise.
The area where we will record our outside broadcast is safe.
We will get the permission of the speaker first before recording their voice.
Most of all, make certain that the recording comes out clear and understandable.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Our Risk Assessment

Before our broadcasts, our group had to make sure to note down the risks that we should consider before recording the audio. For this we have designed a Risk Assessment:

  • Protect identity of children and teenagers
  • Don't ask personal questions
  • Ensure there are no foul or aggressive words used in the audio
  • Record the audio in a quiet and safe location.
  • Make certain that the equipment you are using is working 
  • Check the weather conditions
  • Prevent background noise when recording

Sunday 10 November 2013

LBC 97.3 Radio Station

LBC 97.3 Radio Station:

When I'm in the car on the way to school, or during the weekends, I normally listen to LBC radio. In the morning the radio mostly talk about what's going on around London, and weather and traffic reports for people who are out and about like me. In the evening LBC have more relaxed conversations about London's progress points and improvements, and even Gardening!
As you may have noticed, LBC isn't really ideal for a teenager like myself it's more for mature adults, but i suppose a few mature conversations here and there wont do any harm!

Saturday 9 November 2013

Local Radio News Stations in London

Local Radio News Stations in London:

Please click for Local Radio NewsChoice fm was the station known as the best championed music of black origin. Now it is known as Capital Xtra and is now owned by Global Radio.
Kiss is a radio station broadcasting on FM and DAB. It specialises in R&B, Hip Hop, Electronic Dance Music and Urban. 
BBC Radio also known as BBC Audio and Music is an operational business division. There are 5 divisions of BBC radio:

NME Radio was a radio station under the NME magazine. It first began broadcasting in the year 2008 but sadly ceased this year in March. R.I.P NME radio!