Tuesday 31 December 2013

Radio equipment

Before broadcasting our news, I wanted to make sure I was aware of the different equipment I was going to use. Therefore I carried out background research about the key resources included in a FM Radio Station. I used this short clip from Youtube to give me a brief note about some of the equipment:

Furthermore, as i knew that we would also conduct outside broadcasts, I also searched more about the ideal recorder to use to record the audio. Through my online research I found that the Zoom H2n Handy Digital Audio Recorder was the ideal one, and therefore made sure it was available for us to use:

Tuesday 10 December 2013

BBC London Radio analysis

The radio newscast I listened to was by the radio presenter Jo Good with the Music specialist (also known as the Music "nerd") Ruth Barnes.

The main discussion was about where people in general go to listen to music. 

Ruth Barnes explained that she loved going to music festivals and concerts and shared her experiences.
Jo Good also shared her views about music festivals. 

Jo Good then introduces the audience to a local music festival on sunday and describes the atmosphere from her experience.

She also mentions a singer who will be there and illustrates the types of music he plays.

Jo finally introduces one of his songs and the song is played.

I think overall the newscast was very smooth and sophisticated as one conversation led to another. 

The speakers were very casual but their speech was still easy to understand.

The information they were talking about was easily relatable to the audience so it was engaging. The presenter also encouraged the audience to visit a local festival in London so they targetted a local audience.

Research Plan

 Research Plan:
To ensure I update my blog regularly, I have organised a research plan with a few of the ideas I want to add to my blog:

  • ·      Local News
  • ·      A Journalist’s News Values
  • ·      How to conduct an interview
  • ·      Different Radios
  • ·      Ofcom/Rajar
  • ·      Defamation Case
  • ·      Most listened radio station in UK? Why?     
  • ·      How to interview someone
  • ·      Stages of media production
  • ·      Outside broadcasting
  • ·      Journalist tips

Outside Broadcast Audio

More about our outside broadcast...

For our outside broadcast, I was in charge of broadcasting it from the Doctor Who Anniversary. Therefore I did a little practicing in my spare time before the crucial moment, by listening to different outside broadcasts from different radio stations. However this is the current news cast i produced:

Listen to this episode

Overall this is our script of what me (the interviewer) and Stephanie Reece (the interviewee) recorded: